Our story

Anne and Alain Griaud took a leap of faith in 1992 when they bought the property.

The 4.8 hectare vineyard was named Château KALIAN after their two children Katell and Kilian.

The first expansion took place in 1998 with the purchase of a one hectare block in the L'Envège

area, thus diversifying the terroir.

In 2007, Kilian was promoted to Winemaker and General manager of Château KALIAN. At the same time the vineyard grew to about 10 hectares.

In 2008, KALIAN made the decision to seek organic certification.

2021 marked a new step with the purchase of another 2.5 hectare vineyard block and 15 hectares of meadows in the neighboring commune of Rouffignac-de-Sigoulès.

The main goal at KALIAN is to produce wine using grapes of the highest quality while still respecting the environment.

GRIAUD family

Originally from Loire-Atlantique, Anne and Alain GRIAUD fell for the charm of Périgord in the mid-1970s. After briefly living there, they left for professional reasons.

In 1992 they had the opportunity to purchase a small vineyard of just under 5 hectares in the commune of Monbazillac. Château KALIAN was born.

They never imagined that their two children would be infected with a love of vines and wines.

Kilian Griaud began his studies in oenology and viticulture after graduating from secondary school.

He earned his BTS in Viticulture Oenologie at Montagne-Saint-Emilion pursuing his Licence des

Sciences de la Vigne at the Institut de la Vigne et du Vin at the Université de Bourgogne, finishing with a Diplôme National d'Oenologue.

In 2007, the idea of managing the family's winery led him to complete a Master's in Gestion de Propriété viti-vinicole at ENITA in Bordeaux. 

In July of the same year, he became the Winemaker and General Manager of Château KALIAN.

Katell Griaud began her studies in oenology and viticulture after completing her IUT in agronomy.

She pursued a degree in oenology in Bordeaux, graduating with a Diplôme National d'Oenologue. She went on to earn a Master's in Oenologie et

Environnement Viti-Vinicole.

After harvests in France and abroad, she now works as a winemaker in Virginia (USA).

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